Jewish and Christian Apocalypticism

La noción de democracia mística en \"Thomas Müntzer, teólogo de la revolución\"

Utopian Studies / Eschatology and Apocalypticism / Georg Lukacs / Siegfried Kracauer / Ernst Bloch / Hans Jonas / Teologia / Imaginario apocalíptico / Thomas Müntzer / Jewish and Christian Apocalypticism / Ernst Bloch; Hope / Hans Jonas / Teologia / Imaginario apocalíptico / Thomas Müntzer / Jewish and Christian Apocalypticism / Ernst Bloch; Hope

Un pasaje controvertido en los Annales de Eutiquio de Alejandría. El ataque judío a la ciudad de Tiro

Late Antique and Byzantine Studies / Jewish History / Eschatology and Apocalypticism / Egyptian History / Jewish - Christian Relations / Byzantine historiography / Jewish apocalyptic literature / Medieval Egypt / Christian arabic studies / Christian Arabic Literature / Jewish and Christian Apocalypticism / Byzantine historiography / Jewish apocalyptic literature / Medieval Egypt / Christian arabic studies / Christian Arabic Literature / Jewish and Christian Apocalypticism
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